Second graders read the humorous fiction story, The Signmaker’s Assistant and the short readers’ theater play, The Trouble with Signs.
Our phonics pattern this week is: words containing the phonogram “ar”.
Our target comprehension skill is: Understanding Characters’ point of view. We use clues in words and pictures to figure out what the characters are like and why they act the way they do.
Vocabulary: shades of meaning We study synonyms and determine which choice is most appropriate for different situations, depending on the “shade of meaning”.
High-frequency words: are, baby, didn’t good, I’ll, is, please, sound, talk, too
Fluency focus: Phrasing: punctuation: When good readers read, they think about what they are reading. They stop at periods and pause at commas. We practice correct phrasing while paying close attention to punctuation.
Essential Question: How are signs helpful?